
해가 진 후, 수업과 과제가 끝난 후, 모두가 하루를 마치고 신발을 벗는 시간. 우리는 신발 끈을 조입니다. 2025년 4월 12일, 여성의 러닝과 커뮤니티, 자기표현을 기념하는 Nike After Dark Tour가 시드니에서 열립니다. 여성 러너의 목소리와 인사이트에서 영감을 받은 이번 레이스는 여성을 중심으로 소속감과 유대감을 조성하고자 기획되었습니다. 화이트 베이 페리 선착장 주변의 산업 단지와 안작 브리지의 근사한 경관에서부터 눈부시게 빛나는 달링 하버와 피어몬트 브리지에 이르기까지, 레이스에 참여하는 매 순간 익숙한 환경을 벗어나 새로운 경험을 할 수 있을 거예요. 그리고 최종 목적지는 텀바롱 공원에서 열리는 성대한 심야 축하 행사입니다. 이 이벤트는 단순한 레이스가 아니라, 지금껏 경험하지 못한 시드니를 마음껏 누릴 수 있는 기회입니다.

레이스 당일

12 APRIL 2025 4:30PM (aest)

화이트 베이 크루즈 선착장

레이스 세부 정보


시드니의 화이트 베이 크루즈 선착장에서 밤은 시작됩니다. 멋진 풍경과 시드니의 아이코닉한 스카이라인을 한눈에 감상하며 달려보세요.

겪게 될 여정

화이트 베이 크루즈 선착장에서 존스 베이 부두, 피어몬트 다리 등 지금껏 알지 못했던 시드니의 새로운 모습을 만나보세요. 나이키만의 독특한 시각으로 시드니를 경험하고, 여성 러닝 커뮤니티와 경험을 나누는 힘을 직접 느껴보세요.

완주 이후

달링 하버의 텀바롱 공원에서 나이키와 함께 축하하고 레이스의 피로를 해소해 보세요. 나이키가 준비한 라이브 음악과 음식, 음료 등을 즐기며 쿨다운할 수 있을 거예요.




아스팔트, 도로, 보도, 목재 보드워크, 잔디, 결승선 카펫, 시멘트



woman runner


Nike After Dark Tour가 열리는 장소에 대해 알아보고, 레이스를 위한 트레이닝을 시작하세요.

woman runners

달릴 준비 완료

레이스를 즐길 몸과 장비를 완벽하게 갖추고 달려보세요.


시드니를 달리다

레이스에 참가해 나의 한계를 뛰어넘어 보세요. 레이스 후에는 지금껏 경험하지 못한 이벤트를 마음껏 즐기며 축하하세요.


트레이닝 플랜

테일러 코치가 엄선한 인앱 트레이닝 플랜으로 심야 스트리트 레이스를 준비해 보세요. 지역별 날씨에 따른 팁을 확인하고, 실시간 위치 공유 기능을 통해 전 세계 여성 러너와 함께 트레이닝할 수도 있습니다.

헤드 코치 딜짓 테일러

20년 경력의 베테랑 코치인 딜짓 테일러는 브리검 영 대학을 전국 챔피언십으로 이끌었고, 110명의 선수를 전미선수권 무대에 진출시켰습니다. ‘NCAA 올해의 여자 국가대표 코치(2024)’, ‘Big 12 올해의 공동 코치(2023)’, ‘USTFCCCA 올해의 여자 코치(2020/21)’라는 타이틀이 그 실력을 입증합니다. 지난 2024 파리 올림픽에서는 자신이 지도한 두 선수의 도전을 함께 했습니다. 전미선수권 3회 출전 경험을 가졌으며, 현재 남편, 두 아들과 함께 여전히 꿈을 이어가고 있습니다.


리디아 코치

나이키 퍼시픽의 러닝 헤드 코치, 리디아 오도넬을 만나보세요. 그녀는 운동선수로서 자신의 경험을 바탕으로 여성들이 건강을 고려하여 트레이닝을 조절할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 또한 모든 수준의 러너가 각자의 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 리디아는 여성들이 자신의 몸에 자부심을 느끼고 온전히 수용할 수 있도록 끊임없이 노력할 것입니다.

레이스를 위한 러닝화

반응성 좋은 쿠셔닝

반응성이 뛰어난 나이키 페가수스 컬렉션은 온종일 탁월한 에너지 반환력을 선사해 도심을 달리며 기량을 키우고 싶은 러너들에게 완벽한 선택입니다. 지금 바로 컬렉션을 확인해 보세요.

안정감을 더한 쿠셔닝

뛰어난 지지력으로 매 걸음마다 안정감과 편안함을 선사하는 나이키 스트럭처 라인을 확인해 보세요.

최상의 편안함을 위한 쿠셔닝

최상의 편안함과 푹신함, 나이키 보메로와 함께 가벼운 러닝부터 장거리 러닝까지 편안한 러닝을 즐겨 보세요.

자주 묻는 질문(FAQ)

The Race

**NOTE: After Dark Sydney, including event date, race course, start/finish locations and distance, is subject to council approvals and may be cancelled or changed as required in accordance with the Event Terms & Conditions. Please see below and the Event Terms & Conditions for further information.

This event is open to anyone who meets the participation requirements. Please refer to the requirements to participate question above and the Event Terms & Conditions for further information.

While all runners are welcome, it is an event designed to celebrate women runners, showcasing competition and community among women in the sport of running. All runners are encouraged to embrace and celebrate the spirit of the event.
The Nike After Dark Sydney event is a running experience, geared toward inspiring competition and participation among those in the women’s running community who love a new challenge! Runners will gather in Sydney’s Inner West and run a specially designed course with immersive experiences and plenty of iconic landmarks along the way. Finishing at Sydney’s Darling Harbour at Tumbalong Park, runners will be invited to participate in a post-race celebration featuring live music, recovery and much more.
The race will start at 4:30pm AEST on April 12, 2025. Runners must be in their start corrals by 4:00pm AEST.
The race start line will be in Sydney’s Inner West, with final course including start line location and transportation options to be provided to participants at least 4 weeks out from Race Day.
  1. Participants must be registered to participate.
  2. Participants must wear the bib assigned to them to run on the course.
  3. Participants must be 16 years of age or older on race day.
  4. Participants under 18 years of age must have permission from their parent or legal guardian permitting them to participate in the race. This permission must be provided during the application process as required by Nike.
  5. Participants must be medically fit to participate and able to complete the course within four hours. The race location will reopen for public use on a rolling schedule based on this time limit.
  6. The sale and/or transfer of race entries/bib numbers is strictly prohibited.
  7. All participants must be familiar with, agree to and abide by the Event Terms & Conditions and Participant Release as provided on the After Dark Sydney landing page.
As long as you are able to complete the course within four hours, you can run.
We have carefully designed the course to ensure that every participant has the opportunity to cross our incredible finish line and enjoy the unforgettable after party experience. To make this possible, we have implemented strategic redirection points along the course for those who may not meet the designated cut-off times. This ensures everyone can celebrate their achievement in style no matter their pace. Anyone who takes the ‘redirection” option will have their number recorded but will not be regarded as an official finisher.
This information will be provided at a later date.
The Nike After Dark Sydney event is a rain or shine event. However, in the event of extreme weather conditions – such as severe thunderstorms, excessive winds or other hazardous conditions – the race may be changed, cancelled or postponed. If extreme weather develops or is forecast in the lead up to race start time, a decision will be made and communicated as early as possible based on participant safety and risk assessment. The safety of all participants, staff and spectators is our top priority. Please see registration section and the Event Terms & Conditions for further information.
Yes, our course has been thoughtfully designed with accessibility in mind to support all athletes to participate, including adaptive athletes and athletes with disabilities to participate and enjoy the event (provided they meet the participation requirements described above).
This event is open to anyone who meets the participation requirements. While all runners are welcome, it is an event designed to celebrate the strength and stamina of women runners, showcasing competition and community among women in the sport of running. All other runners are encouraged to embrace and celebrate the spirit of the event
Look out for future announcements covering volunteer opportunities.
We will have allocated fan zones along the course and welcome friends, families and allies to support our runners at these locations. Exact locations to be advised at a later date.


No, you must register for each event separately.
The registration window is from 9 January 2025 at 7am AEDT until 11 February 2025 at 11:59pm AEDT. Nike reserves the right to close this window early should event capacity be reached or extend this window at its discretion, including where event capacity has not been reached.
The entrance fee for the race is AU$100 (inclusive of GST). The fee includes access to the expo, a personal bra fitting service and bra, participant race bib, participant tee shirt, and post-race celebration access.
As part of the registration process you will be required to provide a credit card number and, should your application be successful, the event registration fees will be debited from your card. Your credit card will not be charged unless you accept the Event Terms & Conditions and Participant Release. When completing the application please use a credit card that has an expiration date of March 2025 or later.
No. This is a first-in-best-dressed event with event capacity limits. Your entry is not guaranteed upon application, but only upon you receiving notification that it has been successful and payment in cleared funds is received.
Yes. Registration will only remain open for entry until the registration deadline, or the race is full.
Please contact the Nike After Dark Sydney customer service team at
If your application is successful, your payment receipt will be sent to you by email.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws and without excluding or limiting any of your rights that cannot by law be excluded or limited, if you are unable to participate in the race due to changes in personal circumstances, change of mind, illness, surgeries or injuries, or if the event is cancelled or changed for any other circumstances outside of Nike’s control (including extreme weather conditions but excluding the circumstances described immediately below), your entry fee will be non-refundable and cannot be transferred or applied to any future Nike events. Nike will also not be responsible for any costs incurred (including travel, accommodation, or any other expenses) in connection with a cancelled or changed event.
If the event is cancelled because council approval and permits necessary to conduct the event are not obtained, and in circumstances where a participant’s application has been accepted and their credit card charged, Nike will refund the entry fee. For the avoidance of doubt, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws (and without excluding or limiting any of your rights that cannot by law be excluded or limited), this will not extend to Nike being liable for any other costs, expenses, claims or liability, including without limitation travel, accommodation, or any other expenses.
Yes. Each participant must read and agree to/sign a Participant Release during the registration process. If you’re under 18 years of age as at race day, your parent or legal guardian must sign a printed Participant Release. The printed Participant Release must be brought to Packet Pick Up and submitted to Nike before a minor will be given a race bib.
Please contact Customer Service at


The Nike Run Club App has everything you need to start running, keep running, and to help you prepare for the Nike After Dark Sydney 2025. Download the App to access the official Nike After Dark training plan.
There are lots of ways to get race-ready – look out for comms via Nike email and the Nike Run Club App on how to get involved. And even if you’re running by yourself, we're with you. The Nike Run Club App lets you connect with friends and other runners through experiences and challenges — in your neighborhood or across the globe. There are lots of ways to get race-ready – look out for comms via Nike email and the Nike Run Club App on how to get involved. And even if you’re running by yourself, we're with you. The Nike Run Club App lets you connect with friends and other runners through experiences and challenges — in your neighborhood or across the globe. Download the App now.

The Post-Race Celebration

Details of the Post-Race Celebration will be announced at a later date.
Tumbalong Park, 11 Harbour Street Sydney, NSW 2000
Your race QR code will grant you access to the celebration.
There will be a limited number of tickets available for guests and supporters to attend. They will be released at a later date.